You must have seen all toothpaste ads mentioning that they contain fluoride. Dr. Sekhon, dentist at Sekhon Dental – Dentist Agoura Hills, also suggests using fluoride-based toothpaste for dental hygiene. But what is fluoride, and how does it protect your teeth from...
Congratulations, this is big news and exciting time! Expecting mothers are often told not to get dental treatment during pregnancy. However, experts say every trimester is safe for preventive dental care and other dental treatment. It’s always a good idea to...
Dentistry is expensive globally, and many people avoid visiting dentists for the same reason. However, dental hygiene is vital to overall well-being. Thus, you must visit your dentist regularly for consultation and treatment in case of pain, bleeding gums or teeth....
Imagine you walk up to a friend or colleague, and their expressions change when talking to you. You ask them the reason for their discomfort, but they shrug it off. In such situations, the reason is usually bad breath. However, people avoid mentioning it so as not to...
The ill effects of smoking are widely known, but does smoking affect dental health as well? Yes, smoking and vaping are detrimental to oral health and may lead to periodontal disease. It can eventually cause cavities and loss of teeth. This article dives into the...